Evening Skies

Gold light crowns the hill. Trees must sing in leaves of green, a lullaby beneath blue skies. My eyes, agape, with mouth of crow, I caw the onset of a sunset red that reaches out to touch with pink the plumped up, pillow clouds. The sun, like spittle on a prophet’s lip, hangs pre-destined over […]

The Last House before the Sea

Broad shouldered, the house squats hugging the bedrock lest the restless air drives underneath and lifts all skywards. For even this much stone is fragile- a clutter of rocks cut from a cliff face, carried by boys who curse at last night’s beer. A clutter of rocks heaved up and built, constructed into form, realignment […]


Forest,a cathedral of columnsstruggling towards light, an earth fugue, itsmusic struck intubes of transformation. Taproots suck,their proboscis of thirstseek routes through rock. Their tongues wedge into fissuresto sip dark liquids from those cold lips of stone.

Earliest Memories

distance defined by blade on blade of grass jewelled with dew, flamed green by sun. I ruled a realm, fought sword on claw with monstrous things. A thousand lives I gave myself, a thousand fates and ways to die between tall stems. Cow parsley Prince, under towered castles in the sky.  Earliest awareness, unquestioned love […]