Earliest Memories

distance defined

by blade on blade

of grass jewelled

with dew,

flamed green by sun.

I ruled a realm,

fought sword on claw

with monstrous things.

A thousand lives

I gave myself,

a thousand fates

and ways to die

between tall stems.

Cow parsley Prince,

under towered

castles in the sky. 

Earliest awareness,

unquestioned love

for mother’s love,

distance defined

by the division

of man from boy.

My father always working-

driving his mower

over emerald lawns,

prime minister of paths

emperor of orchards

lord of wild brambles

in the cuckooed quiet of woods,

beneath the intoxication of pines.

Come evening,

hands bloodied

by the brutal thorns,

dad walked from the woods

of my far away dreams.

An unawares victor,

whistling pieces of tunes

recalled from the ‘forties,

he would meet me with a smile

that warmed the space between.  

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